Teaching in a Digital Age by A.W. (Tony) Bates

I strongly recommend this open textbook «Teaching in a Digital Age – Guidelines for designing teaching and learning for a digital age» written by Tony Bates and shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The book is available for downloading in PDF

El efecto de la práctica en el aprendizaje

Los foros de Moodle Community son una mina no sólo de información y conocimiento sobre Tecnología Educativa sino también de inspiración y reflexion sobre el mundo de la educación. Hoy llegué a través de un tweet a un foro de Moodle donde se abría un Post of the day  con esta pregunta: What does this …

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Why are so many of our teachers and schools so successful? John Hattie at TEDxNorrkoping

Interesting talk of Professor John Hattie in Sweeden. He talks about key factors for improving student’s achievements at Schools What surprised me the most, was the amount of topics listed which hardly affect the student’s achievement although most people think that they actually do it. You can also listen an interview in a BBC chanel …

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e-assessment: Interesting data about typing versus handwriting in exams

Surfing the web looking for some e-assessment references for my next task in the subject of ‘Researching method in e-learning‘, I arrived to an Australian project called Transforming exams. There I found a PDF paper titled ‘e-Exams: 2014 UQ Trial outcomes‘ with interesting data about two interesting issues: One is the reasons given by students …

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Implementing e-learning

Today I found via Tony Bates a web page titled Implementing e-learning: a toolkit for training organisations. with useful infographics about e.learning topics.  The first infographic represents the well-known ADDIE model and it’s interactive. Tony Bates was questioning in a blog post the validity of that model for small e-learning projects. The blog post is …

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